Excel Shortcut Keys for Beginner and Advanced


In this post, we are providing shortcut keys that can be used in your daily office work, especially in Excel Work. You can save lots of time by using these keys. Some of them you may already be aware of. These shortcut keys can be used for Formatting, Working with Workbooks, Calculation, and Special Symbols or Characters.

If you have any shortcut keys other than these, then you can write to us in the comment box.

Formatting Keys

Shortcut Key Function
Alt + ‘   Display the Style Dialog Box
Ctrl + b Bold
Ctrl + i Italic
Ctrl + u Underline
Ctrl + 9 Hide Rows
Ctrl + 1 Format Dialog Box
Ctrl + 5 Strike-Through
Ctrl + x/c/v Cut/Copy/Paste
Ctrl + d/r File Cells Down/Right
Ctrl + 0 Hide Columns
Ctrl + Shift + 0 Unhide Columns
Ctrl + Shift + 9 Unhide Rows
Ctrl + Shift + ~ General Number Format
Ctrl + Shift + $ Currency Format
Ctrl + Shift + % Percentage Format
Ctrl + Shift + ! Comma Format
Ctrl + Shift + & Outline Border
Ctrl + Shift + _ Remove Borders
Ctrl + Shift + L Enable/Disable the Filter on the columns
Ctrl + ; Insert Date
Ctrl + Shift + ; Insert Time
Alt + D + L Data Validation Dialog Box
Shift + Space Select the Entire Row
Ctrl + Space Select the Entire Column
Ctrl + A Select the Entire Worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + * Select the current region around the active cell (the current region is an area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns)
Shift + Arrow Key Extend the selection by one cell
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key Extend the selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell
Shift + Home Key Extend the selection to the beginning of the row
Ctrl + Shift + Home Key Extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + End Key Extend the selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower-right corner)

Windows Workbook Keys

Shortcut Key Function
Ctrl + F4 Closes Workbook Window
Alt + F4 Closes Excel
Ctrl + F10 Maximizes the Workbook
Ctrl + F9 Minimizes the Workbook
Ctrl + F5 Restore Window Size
F6 Next Pane
Shift + F6 Previous Pane
Ctrl + F6 Next Window
Ctrl + Tab Next Window
Shift + F11 Inserts a New Sheet
F11 Create a Quick Chart Sheet
Ctrl + S Saves the Workbook
F12 Saves As
Ctrl + O Opens a Workbook
Ctrl + N Creates a New Workbook
Alt + F8 Macros Dialog Box
Alt + F11 Visual Basic Editor
ALT + TAB Switch Between Applications
Ctrl + TAB Switch Between Open Excel Files
Ctrl + Arrow Key Go to the next empty cell
Ctrl + Home/End Key Go to the First/Last Cell of the Worksheet
Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Key Go to Previous/Next Worksheet

Auditing and Calculation Keys

Shortcut Key Function
Ctrl + ‘ ( ~ )   Toggle Formula Display
Ctrl + [   Selects cells directly referred to by formulas (Precedent Cells)
Ctrl + Shift + {  Selects, directly and indirectly, referred-to cells
Ctrl + ]   Selects only cells with formulas that refer directly to the active cell (Dependent Cells)
Ctrl + Shift + }  Selects all cells within formulas that directly or indirectly refer to the active cells
F9   Calculate all worksheets
Shift + F9   Calculate worksheet
F2   Toggle cell edit mode
Shift + Backspace   If multiple cells are selected, select only the active cell
Shift + Page Down Key  Extend the selection down one screen
Shift + Page Up Key  Extend the selection up one screen
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar With an object selected, select all objects on a sheet
 Ctrl + 6   Alternate between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects
Ctrl + 7   Show or hide the Standard toolbar

Special Character Insert Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Key Function
Alt + 0128  
Alt + 0131   ƒ
Alt + 0134  
Alt + 0135  
Alt + 0139  
Alt + 0153  
Alt + 0163   £
Alt + 0165   ¥
Alt + 0166   ¦
Alt + 0169   ©
Alt + 0171   «
Alt + 0174   ®
Alt + 0177   ±
Alt + 0178   ²
Alt + 0179   ³
Alt + 0181   µ
Alt + 0188   ¼
Alt + 0189   ½
Alt + 0190   ¾
Alt + 0247   ÷




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